Privacy Policy

This privacy policy aims to inform users as best as possible of how Psychologist Treatment protects the personal data it collects as part of its website. This privacy policy applies to anyone who browses the Psychologist Treatment website. By providing personal data when using the site, the user acknowledges having read the terms of this Privacy Policy.

1. COLLECTED PERSONAL DATA Personal data is any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable natural person (a name, an identifier, a telephone number, etc.).
As part of the site, in particular through the contact form or more simply when you browse the site, we collect and process personal data about you such as your surname, first name, e-mail, the name of the company you work for and your profession. For security reasons, this is also the case for your IP address, your browsing time on the site, your actions on the site and the pages you have consulted.

2. PURPOSES AND MODALITIES OF THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA To fulfill its missions, Psychologist Treatment is authorized to implement the processing of personal data that you have provided (hereinafter “Data”).
Psychologist Treatment attaches great importance to respect for privacy, and undertakes to use its data responsibly and confidentially for specific purposes:

  •  Provide appropriate answers when you contact us via our contact forms or directly by e-mail; • Improve our services by collecting statistics and browsing data; • Protecting our services from malicious users with the reCAPTCHA tool from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA – “Google”). reCAPTCHA is used to check whether the data entered on our website comes from a human user and not an automated program. To do this, reCAPTCHA analyzes the behavior of the website visitor based on various characteristics. This analysis starts automatically as soon as the website visitor enters the site. For the analysis, reCAPTCHA evaluates various information (eg IP address, how long the visitor has been on the website or the mouse movements made by the user). The data collected during the analysis will be transmitted to Google. The analyzes of reCAPTCHA take place completely in the background. Visitors to the site are not informed that such an analysis is taking place. By using this service, you consent to both this privacy policy and that of Google Inc. To get a general idea of ​​the data collected by Google, you can consult their privacy policy: .In this context, and with your consent, you specifically authorize us to:
  • Process browsing data using the Google Analytics tool; • Process browsing data using the Google ReCAPTCHA tool; • Process your data from the contact form to provide you with an appropriate response to your message.The Data may be processed in paper, automated or electronic format, and in particular by post or electronic mail, by telephone and by any other means (for example: websites, mobile applications).

3. DATA RECIPIENTS The information collected is for the exclusive use of Psychologist Treatment. The Data may be communicated to third parties to comply with legal obligations, to execute orders issued by Public Authorities or to assert a Psychologist Treatment right before the judicial authorities.
The Psychologist Treatment website is hosted by: PulseHeberg – 55, Avenue des Champs Pierreux – 92012 NANTERRE Cedex.

The data collected and processed by the site are exclusively hosted and processed in France and in EU member countries.

4. RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROCESSING The Data Controller is Psychologist Treatment, 1 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 14610 EPRON.

5. DATA RETENTION The Data collected with your consent on the site , and to ensure optimal security, will be kept for a period of 2 years. If you choose to withdraw your consent, the Data will no longer be used, although it may be retained, in particular to protect the legitimate interests of Psychologist Treatment in the context of any liability relating to such processing, unless specified additional information is provided by the Supervisory Authority in this respect.

6. PERSONAL DATA OF MINORS The “Informatique et Liberté” law of May 14, 2018 sets the age of digital majority at 15 years in France: a minor can consent alone to the processing of personal data, from the age of fifteen. He can then withdraw his consent and request the erasure of his data, except for processing in the public interest. When the minor is under the age of 15, consent to processing must be given jointly by the minor concerned and the holder or holders of parental authority.

7. SECURITY AND PROTECTION OF USERS’ PERSONAL DATA It is up to Psychologist Treatment to define and implement the technical security measures, physical or logical, that it deems appropriate to fight against the destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure of data in an accidental or unlawful manner. To do this, Psychologist Treatment can be assisted by any third party of its choice to carry out, at the frequencies it deems necessary, vulnerability audits or intrusion tests.

In any event, Psychologist Treatment undertakes, in the event of a change in the means aimed at ensuring the security and confidentiality of personal data, to replace them with means of superior performance. No change can lead to a regression in the level of security. In the event of subcontracting of part or all of the processing of personal data, Psychologist Treatment undertakes to contractually impose security guarantees on its subcontractors by means of technical measures for the protection of these data and appropriate human resources.

8. USE OF “COOKIES” Cookies are likely to be used on site . These are files generated during your navigation and which allow exchange information according to following cases:
• Navigation and session cookies : these cookies allow you to be recognized on our site so that any changes you make on a page are remembered from one page to another. They may collect “web analytics” type information relating to your browsing , duration your consultation , your IP address , your browser type version . These cookies are essential for proper functioning site its functionalities . These cookies do not collect information intended be used commercial prospecting advertising targeting . Depending cookies , their retention period varies from 24 48 hours . • Functionality cookies : These cookies are used improve your online experience , detect fight against fraud other risks order protect you . Depending cookies , their retention period varies from 24 hours 2 years . These are from reCAPTCHA example , presented point 2 above . • So-called “analytical” cookies : order improve our services , we use audience measurement cookies such number pages viewed , number visits , user activity frequency return , particular thanks Google Analytics service . These cookies only allow establishment statistical studies user traffic our site , results which completely anonymous allow us know use performance our site improve its operation . Accepting these cookies necessary condition using our site . If you refuse them , we cannot guarantee normal use . shelf life your computer 13 months . • Social media cookies : articles , photos videos watch our site can shared via social networks using buttons . Social media cookies used make these buttons work , so they will recognize you when want share article video . These social media may also collect your personal data their own purposes . Psychologist Treatment has no influence how these social media use your personal data . For more information about cookies registered social media data they likely collect ,

You can choose disable these cookies any time . Your browser can also configured notify you cookies stored your computer ask you accept them not . You can accept refuse cookies case-by-case basis refuse them systematically .

In case refusal , your navigation Psychologist Treatment Site may degraded , certain functionalities may altered . order manage cookies closely possible your expectations , we invite you configure your browser taking into account purpose cookies .

9. YOUR RIGHTS You can exercise following rights:
• Right access means right obtain from Psychologist Treatment confirmation that your Data or not being processed when it access said Data ; • Right rectification right erasure means right obtain rectification inaccurate / incomplete Data , well erasure Data when request legitimate ; • Right restriction processing means right request suspension processing when request legitimate ; • Right data portability means right obtain Data structured , commonly used readable format , well right transfer Data other data controllers ; • Right object means right object processing Data when request legitimate , including when Data processed marketing ; • Right lodge complaint supervisory authority event unlawful processing Data.For any information concerning your rights / personal data , you can contact us